Rio de Janeiro Programs 


In conjunction with Ring: One with Nature, Faou promotes engagement activities like tree planting, children’s programs, and lectures in Rio de Janeiro and the surrounding communities. The installation of Ring is made possible in partnership with INEA.

The Ring 2016 (157).jpg


INEA (Instituto Estadual do Ambiente) protects, conserves, and recovers the environmental heritage of the State of Rio de Janeiro in order to promote sustainability and play a strategic role in the development of the state. Faou Foundation gifted Ring: One with Nature to INEA in 2016, where the work is open to the public and remains on permanent display in Cunhambebe State Park. Faou and INEA continue to promote engagement activities like tree planting and children’s educational programs.

MAR (Museu de Arte Do Rio) is a public space for emancipation through art, culture, and education, presenting exhibitions and activities that contribute to mobilization and social inclusion. Together, we produced a lecture series on sustainability, art, and education, and look forward to building future programs that extend Faou and MAR’s legacy to Rio de Janeiro.

